Urban Public School System

An urban school district sought to upgrade the playground safety surfacings across 20 of its schools to reduce the risk of injuries and comply with new safety regulations.

The diverse locations featured varying climates and usage patterns, necessitating a highly adaptable solution that could withstand heavy use and different weather conditions.

Playground Safety Surfacing provided a tailored approach for each school, installing poured-in-place rubber surfacing designed for durability and low maintenance. The company’s expert team conducted site-specific assessments to ensure optimal thickness and material composition were used for maximum safety.

Post-installation, the district reported a 40% decrease in playground-related injuries, and feedback from school administrators noted significant satisfaction with the aesthetic improvements and reduced maintenance costs. The project was completed on time and within budget, enhancing the safety and appeal of play areas across the district.

Residential Community Association

A large residential community wanted to upgrade its playground to attract more families and ensure the safety of its young residents.

The existing playground was outdated, with worn-out surfaces that posed safety risks. The community needed a cost-effective, long-lasting solution that could accommodate a high number of children.

Playground Safety Surfacing installed synthetic grass and rubber mulch, which provided a safe, visually appealing, and environmentally friendly option. The installation process was designed to be minimally disruptive to the community.

The new surfacing was met with positive feedback from both parents and the community association for its aesthetic appeal and safety features. The upgrade has led to a 25% increase in daily use of the playground, and the community has noted a decrease in complaints and liability concerns regarding playground safety.

Municipal Park in Coastal Area

A coastal city aimed to revamp its most popular public park with a playground surface suitable for its humid and salty air environment, which accelerates wear and tear.

The environmental conditions required a solution that could resist moisture and salt without frequent replacements or repairs.

Playground Safety Surfacing implemented a high-grade rubber tile system with enhanced UV and moisture resistance. The project included extensive pre-installation testing to ensure longevity and performance under coastal environmental stresses.

Since the installation, the park has seen a consistent increase in visitor numbers. The surfacing has withstood the coastal conditions with minimal maintenance. City officials have praised the project for enhancing public satisfaction and reducing long-term maintenance costs.

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